FREE - Implementing Peer Mentoring during Covid-19


FREE - Implementing Peer Mentoring during Covid-19


A few suggestions for implementing peer mentoring even under the challenging circumstances of Covid-19.

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We know that the coming school year is going to look very different for both pupils and staff, and that teachers and school leaders have a lot on their plates setting things up to comply with bubbles and social distancing measures.

We also know that certain groups of young people will be in need of extra support more than ever, having faced issues of social isolation and loneliness during the Covid-19 crisis, and resulting mental health challenges.

Peer mentoring can reap substantial benefits on the resilience, wellbeing and mental health of our young people, so we’ve put together a few suggestions for how you can provide some form of peer-mentoring support, even under the current circumstances, to those students that need it most.