ABOUT Franklin Scholars
We believe in the power of people helping people.
Using our expertise in developmental relationships, we have been designing and implementing peer-to-peer support programmes in schools since 2013.
Franklin Scholars was founded in 2013 with the goal of using peer mentoring to help students in the transition into secondary school. In the ten years since, we have now worked in over 80 secondary schools across nine regions of England providing in-school literacy or numeracy-focused peer-mentoring programmes, using our social and emotional skills development framework. This programme has now reached over 4,000 young people.
As we continued growing - both in impact and in size - we expanded our programmes to reach people at other points in their journey. This includes the Bundles & Buddies Primary School offering as well as the Oydssey FS Peer Coaching programmes for business.
The circumstances of 2020 made us rethink how we support schools and young people. With a view to making our expertise and resources more widely accessible, we now offer a range of digital and physical tools to help schools and other institutions deliver great peer-mentoring interventions themselves.
If you’re looking to set up a peer-mentoring scheme in your school or organisation, read more about how we can help.
Why we do it
Lost in Transition
We know that the transition points and change - be they in primary school, secondary school, or in the workplace - can be difficult times for people to navigate. In many cases, these moments can determine future success and opportunities. We know that one-to-one support networks are a reliable and cost-effect way to support people, no matter their age, through tricky times.
When One Teaches, Two Learn
We think the solution exists in every school and workplace. For every person looking to progress in school or in their career, there is an older mentor who is very well placed to help. We connect mentors and mentees and give them the skills, the tools and resources to boost each others' progress, confidence and wellbeing.